Monday, March 24, 2014

Playa Grande and Beyond!

     Ahhh! Playa Grande means a lot of beach, just kidding of course. When it comes to Spanish to English conversion I am not your guy. I had two years of Spanish in high school but I was the Spanish teacher's aide. Hence I learned no mucho in Spanish class. Senor Benito would always ask how I had done on my test. I would always reply with a score in the 80 percentile. I didn't want to raise suspicion with high test scores plus I was a B student.

     We were at the store in Isabel on our first trip and had to get the manager over to the register to explain to us, that you had to pay separate for ice. Hell, I never new the word for ice! We just nodded and then we all had a good laugh. Stupid American travelers on the island don't even know the word for ice! That would be a good word to know in Spanish if you want something cold to drink. I know this is about Playa Grande on Vieques not Spanish class!

    Playa Grande is a big beach with lots of room to roam. Sitting on the Caribbean side of the island Playa Grande is a rough water beach that is not good for swimming or snorkeling. It is however a must see beach and great for pictures. If you are a brave and adventurous types like us it is time to drive past the all of the parking spots for Playa Grande. Go through the open gates and follow the pig trails to the Western end of Vieques Island. If you are in a non scratched SUV I would suggest not going this route, for you will be buying a new paint job. It is a blast to putter on the trails over the hills to the most quiet place on all of Vieques. Rent your Jeep from Abreeze and you will be able to venture all of the Island without the worry of scratches. They provide very reliable transportation for you Vieques vacation. Hope to see you on a beach real soon!

Li Li Islander