We met up with Captain Judi behind Al's Mar Azul on the beach. On our first trip to Vieques we stayed our first night in a room next to Al's called the Becker Room. Going down to the beach was like going back in time to our first day on Vieques Island. We said no to the all-inclusive Caribbean vacation spots and set our sights on adventure. Here we are six years later ready for adventure once again going out to sea on the Makaru. Captain Judi and Katie made us feel right at home from the moment we stepped aboard. In short order the mooring lines were tossed and the main sail was hoisted Mother Nature gave us a push all of the way to Cayo Blanca. It was so exhilarating sitting on the side of the boat looking into the beautiful blue waters with the wind blowing in your hair.
We were given a short overview of the marine life we were expected to see on our snorkel tour. Before you know it you are in the Caribbean Sea swimming over a coral reef teaming with life. Just like Judi said in the overview we saw a nerf shark right off the bat then two huge spotted rays! It was just like what you see on the Nature Channel but up close and very beautiful. The reef is huge and there is much to see and lots of time to take it all in.
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After we got back on the boat and dried off drinks were served and much to our surprise lunch was prepared while we were out playing in the sea. We enjoyed grilled chicken and pineapple with a fantastic rice pilaf twisted the Caribbean way. We sat and visited with Frank and Judi after lunch like a group of old friends out for a nice sail. Speaking of sailing it is a must to get your butt up front on the trampoline for the sail back to Vieques! Wow what a ride that is and you are going to get a little wet depending on the size of the waves. Back in port a dingy ride back to the beach behind Al's Mar Azul and our half day of sailing had come to a close at one thirty p.m. Not to worry for what to do for the rest of the day we had a date with a hike and a secluded beach!
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secluded beach good luck finding it |