I have been asked many times through the years of traveling to Vieques from friends and family, is Vieques safe? I have never wavered on my opinion and I value my life very much. I love life and I love Vieques it is in my soul to the very core of my being. Li Li and I have traveled to the Island since 2008 and never had one bit of trouble from anyone. Is there crime on the Island of Vieques? Yes of course but in turn name me a place that does not have crime? Islands with two people living on them don't count! I grew up in a town of 7,500 people and there was crime then and still is that way from what I hear.

We have explored the whole Island from East to West and North to South never one issue but nice people or no people. Not one item ever stolen from us not one mean person to deal with. The tourist are all happy on the beaches that we meet and have spent a few days with some on other beaches during our vacation. How can you not enjoy Vieques and the beauty of paradise? Everyone we meet on the beach are just blown away from the gorgeous white sand beaches and crystal blue water. I love seeing visitors smiling from ear to ear and ready to come back next year for the same thing. Peace, beauty of nature, calm waves, great snorkeling, the lack of hotels on the beaches, the horses, roosters crowing for nothing, are just the beginning of a very long list of why Vieques is Paradise. For a funny little rant about the pros of Vieques
Skip the Cruise and Chive on Vieques is a response to my aunt posting on Facebook.
Vieques Island is safe for travelers not one tourist killed in the twenty plus years states a friend of mine from the Island. Yes there are crimes committed but mostly have to do with the locals, drugs, and lack of jobs on the Island. Please do not be worried about visiting Vieques just get on the plane and fly on down to Paradise! And for more of my feelings on Vieques be sure to read
The Lure of Vieques Part One. We hope to see you on a beautiful Vieques beach real soon!