After viewing our pictures from our first trip to Vieques in 2008 friends and family asked, how did you find the island? Well, that is a story in it's self. We were looking for somewhere new to go for a vacation that had water and beaches. We knew there was no need for a passport in Puerto Rico being U.S. citizens. I started searching for trips to P.R. and everything looked very nice with beautiful beaches and blue water. Keep in mind I am looking at the big Island of Puerto Rico and thinking, heaven on earth! As always I researched places to stay in P.R. that looked like our style, nice and quiet. After finding different areas of interest I went to Trip Advisor
to read reviews of other travelers. On several reviews I kept seeing mentions of day trips to Vieques and how people wished they would have just gone there on their vacation. I am not kidding, over and over "Vieques is Paradise" is all I was reading in reviews. So of course I must find this island of paradise and get our butts there!

When I first looked at the beach that was on my computer screen I was hooked. I was blown away and had a huge grin on my face, then I realized we cannot afford this place. So went the grin and the sleuth in me came out, I must know more. I explored, read, looked at maps and found that Vieques would be cheaper than going to Puerto Rico's main island! Our dream of going to a small island looked to be possible on our budget. We are not wealthy by any means of the imagination but we are thrifty. No five star hotels and first class flights for these two. It would be two coach seats to San Jaun an hour long taxi ride to another airport for the puddle jumper to Vieques.